
A collection of smooth animations to use within your page.


Add one of the .uk-anmt-* classes to any element. The animation is shown when the class is added, so usually immediately on page load. To show the animation at another point, for example when the element enters the viewport, you would add the class using JavaScript — with the Scrollspy component for instance. This is what happens in many of UIkit’s components that make use of animations. All animations themselves are implemented with CSS, so they do not require JavaScript to play.

.uk-anmt-fadeThe element fades in.
The element fades in and scales up or down.
The element fades and slides in from the top, bottom, left or right by its own height or width.
The element fades and slides in from the top, bottom, left or right with a smaller distance which is specified by a fixed pixel value.
The element fades and slides in from the top, bottom, left or right with a medium distance which is specified by a fixed pixel value.
.uk-anmt-kenburnsThe element scales very slowly up without fading in.
.uk-anmt-shakeThe element shakes.
.uk-anmt-strokeThe SVG element strokes are drawn.

To toggle an animation on hover or focus, add the .uk-anmt-toggle class to a parent element. Also add `tab to make the animation focusable through keyboard navigation and on touch devices.

<div class="uk-anmt-toggle" tabindex="0">
<div class="uk-anmt-fade"></div>
  • Fade

    Scale Up

    Scale Down






    Left Small

    Top Small

    Bottom Small

    Right Small

    Left Medium

    Top Medium

    Bottom Medium

    Right Medium

  • Something's not working? Feel free to report an issue or edit this snippet .

    <div class="grid grid-cols-2 gap-4">
    <div class="uk-anmt-toggle" tabindex="0">
    <div class="uk-anmt-fade bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground">
    <p class="text-center">Fade</p>
    <div class="uk-anmt-toggle" tabindex="0">
    <div class="uk-anmt-scale-up bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground">
    <p class="text-center">Scale Up</p>
    <div class="uk-anmt-toggle" tabindex="0">
    <div class="uk-anmt-scale-down bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground">
    <p class="text-center">Scale Down</p>
    <div class="uk-anmt-toggle" tabindex="0">
    <div class="uk-anmt-shake bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground">
    <p class="text-center">Shake</p>
    <div class="uk-anmt-toggle" tabindex="0">
    <div class="uk-anmt-slide-left bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground">
    <p class="text-center">Left</p>
    <div class="uk-anmt-toggle" tabindex="0">
    <div class="uk-anmt-slide-top bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground">
    <p class="text-center">Top</p>
    <div class="uk-anmt-toggle" tabindex="0">
    <div class="uk-anmt-slide-bottom bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground">
    <p class="text-center">Bottom</p>
    <div class="uk-anmt-toggle" tabindex="0">
    <div class="uk-anmt-slide-right bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground">
    <p class="text-center">Right</p>
    <div class="uk-anmt-toggle" tabindex="0">
    <div class="uk-anmt-slide-left-sm bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground">
    <p class="text-center">Left Small</p>
    <div class="uk-anmt-toggle" tabindex="0">
    <div class="uk-anmt-slide-top-sm bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground">
    <p class="text-center">Top Small</p>
    <div class="uk-anmt-toggle" tabindex="0">
    <div class="uk-anmt-slide-bottom-sm bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground">
    <p class="text-center">Bottom Small</p>
    <div class="uk-anmt-toggle" tabindex="0">
    <div class="uk-anmt-slide-right-sm bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground">
    <p class="text-center">Right Small</p>
    <div class="uk-anmt-toggle" tabindex="0">
    <div class="uk-anmt-slide-left-md bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground">
    <p class="text-center">Left Medium</p>
    <div class="uk-anmt-toggle" tabindex="0">
    <div class="uk-anmt-slide-top-md bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground">
    <p class="text-center">Top Medium</p>
    <div class="uk-anmt-toggle" tabindex="0">
    <div class="uk-anmt-slide-bottom-md bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground">
    <p class="text-center">Bottom Medium</p>
    <div class="uk-anmt-toggle" tabindex="0">
    <div class="uk-anmt-slide-right-md bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground">
    <p class="text-center">Right Medium</p>
  • Something's not working? Feel free to report an issue or edit this snippet .

    <div className="grid grid-cols-2 gap-4">
    <div className="uk-anmt-toggle" tabIndex={0}>
    <div className="uk-anmt-fade bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground">
    <p className="text-center">Fade</p>
    <div className="uk-anmt-toggle" tabIndex={0}>
    <div className="uk-anmt-scale-up bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground">
    <p className="text-center">Scale Up</p>
    <div className="uk-anmt-toggle" tabIndex={0}>
    <div className="uk-anmt-scale-down bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground">
    <p className="text-center">Scale Down</p>
    <div className="uk-anmt-toggle" tabIndex={0}>
    <div className="uk-anmt-shake bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground">
    <p className="text-center">Shake</p>
    <div className="uk-anmt-toggle" tabIndex={0}>
    <div className="uk-anmt-slide-left bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground">
    <p className="text-center">Left</p>
    <div className="uk-anmt-toggle" tabIndex={0}>
    <div className="uk-anmt-slide-top bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground">
    <p className="text-center">Top</p>
    <div className="uk-anmt-toggle" tabIndex={0}>
    <div className="uk-anmt-slide-bottom bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground">
    <p className="text-center">Bottom</p>
    <div className="uk-anmt-toggle" tabIndex={0}>
    <div className="uk-anmt-slide-right bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground">
    <p className="text-center">Right</p>
    <div className="uk-anmt-toggle" tabIndex={0}>
    <div className="uk-anmt-slide-left-sm bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground">
    <p className="text-center">Left Small</p>
    <div className="uk-anmt-toggle" tabIndex={0}>
    <div className="uk-anmt-slide-top-sm bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground">
    <p className="text-center">Top Small</p>
    <div className="uk-anmt-toggle" tabIndex={0}>
    <div className="uk-anmt-slide-bottom-sm bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground">
    <p className="text-center">Bottom Small</p>
    <div className="uk-anmt-toggle" tabIndex={0}>
    <div className="uk-anmt-slide-right-sm bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground">
    <p className="text-center">Right Small</p>
    <div className="uk-anmt-toggle" tabIndex={0}>
    <div className="uk-anmt-slide-left-md bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground">
    <p className="text-center">Left Medium</p>
    <div className="uk-anmt-toggle" tabIndex={0}>
    <div className="uk-anmt-slide-top-md bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground">
    <p className="text-center">Top Medium</p>
    <div className="uk-anmt-toggle" tabIndex={0}>
    <div className="uk-anmt-slide-bottom-md bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground">
    <p className="text-center">Bottom Medium</p>
    <div className="uk-anmt-toggle" tabIndex={0}>
    <div className="uk-anmt-slide-right-md bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground">
    <p className="text-center">Right Medium</p>

Reverse modifier

By default, all animations are incoming. To reverse any animation, add the .uk-anmt-reverse class.

<div class="uk-anmt-fade uk-anmt-reverse"></div>
  • Fade

    Scale Up

    Scale Down






    Left Small

    Top Small

    Bottom Small

    Right Small

    Left Medium

    Top Medium

    Bottom Medium

    Right Medium

  • Something's not working? Feel free to report an issue or edit this snippet .

    <div class="grid grid-cols-2 gap-4">
    <div class="uk-anmt-toggle" tabindex="0">
    class="uk-anmt-fade uk-anmt-reverse bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground"
    <p class="text-center">Fade</p>
    <div class="uk-anmt-toggle" tabindex="0">
    class="uk-anmt-scale-up uk-anmt-reverse bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground"
    <p class="text-center">Scale Up</p>
    <div class="uk-anmt-toggle" tabindex="0">
    class="uk-anmt-scale-down uk-anmt-reverse bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground"
    <p class="text-center">Scale Down</p>
    <div class="uk-anmt-toggle" tabindex="0">
    class="uk-anmt-shake uk-anmt-reverse bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground"
    <p class="text-center">Shake</p>
    <div class="uk-anmt-toggle" tabindex="0">
    class="uk-anmt-slide-left uk-anmt-reverse bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground"
    <p class="text-center">Left</p>
    <div class="uk-anmt-toggle" tabindex="0">
    class="uk-anmt-slide-top uk-anmt-reverse bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground"
    <p class="text-center">Top</p>
    <div class="uk-anmt-toggle" tabindex="0">
    class="uk-anmt-slide-bottom uk-anmt-reverse bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground"
    <p class="text-center">Bottom</p>
    <div class="uk-anmt-toggle" tabindex="0">
    class="uk-anmt-slide-right uk-anmt-reverse bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground"
    <p class="text-center">Right</p>
    <div class="uk-anmt-toggle" tabindex="0">
    class="uk-anmt-slide-left-sm uk-anmt-reverse bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground"
    <p class="text-center">Left Small</p>
    <div class="uk-anmt-toggle" tabindex="0">
    class="uk-anmt-slide-top-sm uk-anmt-reverse bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground"
    <p class="text-center">Top Small</p>
    <div class="uk-anmt-toggle" tabindex="0">
    class="uk-anmt-slide-bottom-sm uk-anmt-reverse bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground"
    <p class="text-center">Bottom Small</p>
    <div class="uk-anmt-toggle" tabindex="0">
    class="uk-anmt-slide-right-sm uk-anmt-reverse bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground"
    <p class="text-center">Right Small</p>
    <div class="uk-anmt-toggle" tabindex="0">
    class="uk-anmt-slide-left-md uk-anmt-reverse bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground"
    <p class="text-center">Left Medium</p>
    <div class="uk-anmt-toggle" tabindex="0">
    class="uk-anmt-slide-top-md uk-anmt-reverse bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground"
    <p class="text-center">Top Medium</p>
    <div class="uk-anmt-toggle" tabindex="0">
    class="uk-anmt-slide-bottom-md uk-anmt-reverse bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground"
    <p class="text-center">Bottom Medium</p>
    <div class="uk-anmt-toggle" tabindex="0">
    class="uk-anmt-slide-right-md uk-anmt-reverse bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground"
    <p class="text-center">Right Medium</p>
  • Something's not working? Feel free to report an issue or edit this snippet .

    <div className="grid grid-cols-2 gap-4">
    <div className="uk-anmt-toggle" tabIndex={0}>
    <div className="uk-anmt-fade uk-anmt-reverse bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground">
    <p className="text-center">Fade</p>
    <div className="uk-anmt-toggle" tabIndex={0}>
    <div className="uk-anmt-scale-up uk-anmt-reverse bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground">
    <p className="text-center">Scale Up</p>
    <div className="uk-anmt-toggle" tabIndex={0}>
    <div className="uk-anmt-scale-down uk-anmt-reverse bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground">
    <p className="text-center">Scale Down</p>
    <div className="uk-anmt-toggle" tabIndex={0}>
    <div className="uk-anmt-shake uk-anmt-reverse bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground">
    <p className="text-center">Shake</p>
    <div className="uk-anmt-toggle" tabIndex={0}>
    <div className="uk-anmt-slide-left uk-anmt-reverse bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground">
    <p className="text-center">Left</p>
    <div className="uk-anmt-toggle" tabIndex={0}>
    <div className="uk-anmt-slide-top uk-anmt-reverse bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground">
    <p className="text-center">Top</p>
    <div className="uk-anmt-toggle" tabIndex={0}>
    <div className="uk-anmt-slide-bottom uk-anmt-reverse bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground">
    <p className="text-center">Bottom</p>
    <div className="uk-anmt-toggle" tabIndex={0}>
    <div className="uk-anmt-slide-right uk-anmt-reverse bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground">
    <p className="text-center">Right</p>
    <div className="uk-anmt-toggle" tabIndex={0}>
    <div className="uk-anmt-slide-left-sm uk-anmt-reverse bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground">
    <p className="text-center">Left Small</p>
    <div className="uk-anmt-toggle" tabIndex={0}>
    <div className="uk-anmt-slide-top-sm uk-anmt-reverse bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground">
    <p className="text-center">Top Small</p>
    <div className="uk-anmt-toggle" tabIndex={0}>
    <div className="uk-anmt-slide-bottom-sm uk-anmt-reverse bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground">
    <p className="text-center">Bottom Small</p>
    <div className="uk-anmt-toggle" tabIndex={0}>
    <div className="uk-anmt-slide-right-sm uk-anmt-reverse bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground">
    <p className="text-center">Right Small</p>
    <div className="uk-anmt-toggle" tabIndex={0}>
    <div className="uk-anmt-slide-left-md uk-anmt-reverse bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground">
    <p className="text-center">Left Medium</p>
    <div className="uk-anmt-toggle" tabIndex={0}>
    <div className="uk-anmt-slide-top-md uk-anmt-reverse bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground">
    <p className="text-center">Top Medium</p>
    <div className="uk-anmt-toggle" tabIndex={0}>
    <div className="uk-anmt-slide-bottom-md uk-anmt-reverse bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground">
    <p className="text-center">Bottom Medium</p>
    <div className="uk-anmt-toggle" tabIndex={0}>
    <div className="uk-anmt-slide-right-md uk-anmt-reverse bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground">
    <p className="text-center">Right Medium</p>

Fast modifier

To play animations at a faster speed, add the .uk-anmt-fast class to the element.

<div class="uk-anmt-fade uk-anmt-fast"></div>
  • Fade

  • Something's not working? Feel free to report an issue or edit this snippet .

    <div class="grid grid-cols-2 gap-4">
    <div class="uk-anmt-toggle" tabindex="0">
    <div class="uk-anmt-fade uk-anmt-fast bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground">
    <p class="text-center">Fade</p>
  • Something's not working? Feel free to report an issue or edit this snippet .

    <div className="grid grid-cols-2 gap-4">
    <div className="uk-anmt-toggle" tabIndex={0}>
    <div className="uk-anmt-fade uk-anmt-fast bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground">
    <p className="text-center">Fade</p>

Origin modifiers

By default, scaling animations originate from the center. To modify this behavior, add one of the .uk-transform-origin-* classes from the Utility component.

<div class="uk-anmt-scale-up uk-transform-origin-bottom-right"></div>
  • Bottom Right

    Top Center

    Bottom Center

  • Something's not working? Feel free to report an issue or edit this snippet .

    <div class="grid gap-4 md:grid-cols-3">
    <div class="uk-anmt-toggle" tabindex="0">
    class="uk-anmt-scale-up uk-transform-origin-bottom-right bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground"
    <p class="text-center">Bottom Right</p>
    <div class="uk-anmt-toggle" tabindex="0">
    class="uk-anmt-scale-up uk-transform-origin-top-center bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground"
    <p class="text-center">Top Center</p>
    <div class="uk-anmt-toggle" tabindex="0">
    class="uk-anmt-scale-up uk-transform-origin-bottom-center bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground"
    <p class="text-center">Bottom Center</p>
  • Something's not working? Feel free to report an issue or edit this snippet .

    <div className="grid gap-4 md:grid-cols-3">
    <div className="uk-anmt-toggle" tabIndex={0}>
    <div className="uk-anmt-scale-up uk-transform-origin-bottom-right bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground">
    <p className="text-center">Bottom Right</p>
    <div className="uk-anmt-toggle" tabIndex={0}>
    <div className="uk-anmt-scale-up uk-transform-origin-top-center bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground">
    <p className="text-center">Top Center</p>
    <div className="uk-anmt-toggle" tabIndex={0}>
    <div className="uk-anmt-scale-up uk-transform-origin-bottom-center bg-muted p-4 text-muted-foreground">
    <p className="text-center">Bottom Center</p>

Ken Burns

To add a simple Ken Burns effect, add the .uk-anmt-kenburns class to any image. You can also apply the .uk-anmt-reverse or one of the .uk-transform-origin-* classes from the Utility component to modify the effect.

<img class="uk-anmt-kenburns" src="" width="" height="" alt="" />

By default, the animation starts on page load. In this example we used the Scrollspy component, to toggle the effect when the image enters the view.

  • Example image
    Example image
  • Something's not working? Feel free to report an issue or edit this snippet .

    <div class="grid gap-4 md:grid-cols-2">
    <div class="uk-overflow-hidden">
    alt="Example image"
    data-uk-scrollspy="cls: uk-anmt-kenburns; repeat: true"
    <div class="uk-overflow-hidden">
    alt="Example image"
    class="uk-anmt-reverse uk-transform-origin-top-right"
    data-uk-scrollspy="cls: uk-anmt-kenburns; repeat: true"
  • Something's not working? Feel free to report an issue or edit this snippet .

    <div className="grid gap-4 md:grid-cols-2">
    <div className="uk-overflow-hidden">
    <img src="/images/dark.jpg" width={1800} height={1200} alt="Example image" data-uk-scrollspy="cls: uk-anmt-kenburns; repeat: true" />
    <div className="uk-overflow-hidden">
    <img src="/images/dark.jpg" width={1800} height={1200} alt="Example image" className="uk-anmt-reverse uk-transform-origin-top-right" data-uk-scrollspy="cls: uk-anmt-kenburns; repeat: true" />

SVG Strokes

The Animation component can be used to animate SVG strokes. The effect looks like the SVG strokes are drawn before your eyes. The SVG image has to be injected into the markup as an inline SVG. This can be done manually or using the SVG component.

The following example shows how to add the inline SVG manually. Since you have to know the exact length of the stroke, UIkit requires you to set the length in the custom property --uk-anmt-stroke. In this example the stroke length is 46.

style="--uk-anmt-stroke: 46;"
viewBox="0 0 20 20"
<path fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-width="1" d="" />

A much easier way is to use the SVG component by adding uk-svg="stroke-animation: true" to the image element. It will calculate the stroke length and add the --uk-anmt-stroke custom property automatically.

<img src="" width="" height="" alt="" data-uk-svg="stroke-animation: true" />
  • Something's not working? Feel free to report an issue or edit this snippet .

    <div class="grid gap-4 md:grid-cols-2">
    <div class="uk-anmt-toggle flex justify-center" tabindex="0">
    data-uk-svg="stroke-animation: true"
    <div class="uk-anmt-toggle flex justify-center" tabindex="0">
    class="uk-anmt-stroke uk-anmt-reverse"
    data-uk-svg="stroke-animation: true"
  • Something's not working? Feel free to report an issue or edit this snippet .

    <div className="grid gap-4 md:grid-cols-2">
    <div className="uk-anmt-toggle flex justify-center" tabIndex={0}>
    <img className="uk-anmt-stroke" src="/images/strokes.svg" width={250} height={250} alt data-uk-svg="stroke-animation: true" />
    <div className="uk-anmt-toggle flex justify-center" tabIndex={0}>
    <img className="uk-anmt-stroke uk-anmt-reverse" src="/images/strokes.svg" width={250} height={250} alt data-uk-svg="stroke-animation: true" />

Customize your Franken UI experience.