
Includes styles for comments, for example for a blog section on your site.


The Comment component consists of the comment itself, a comment header, including an avatar, a title and meta text, and a comment body.

.uk-commentAdd this class to define the Comment component.
.uk-comment-bodyAdd this class to create a comment body.
.uk-comment-headerAdd this class to create a comment header.
.uk-comment-titleAdd this class to a heading to create a comment title.
.uk-comment-metaAdd this class to create meta text about your comment.
.uk-comment-avatarAdd this class to an <img> element to create an avatar for the comment author.
<article class="uk-comment">
<header class="uk-comment-header">
<div class="uk-comment-avatar">
<img src="" alt="" />
<div class="uk-comment-title"></div>
<ul class="uk-comment-meta uk-subnav"></ul>
<div class="uk-comment-body"></div>
  • Something's not working? Feel free to report an issue or edit this snippet .

    <article class="uk-comment" tabindex="-1" role="comment">
    <header class="uk-comment-header">
    <div class="flex items-center">
    <div class="uk-comment-avatar mr-2">
    src=" Johnson"
    <div class="flex-1">
    <div class="uk-comment-title"><a href="#">Tyler Johnson</a></div>
    <p class="uk-comment-meta"><a href="#">Just posted</a></p>
    <div class="uk-comment-body">
    I agree, this was a really insightful article. The historical context
    provided a great foundation for understanding the current challenges the
    company is facing.
  • Something's not working? Feel free to report an issue or edit this snippet .

    <article className="uk-comment" tabIndex={-1} role="comment">
    <header className="uk-comment-header">
    <div className="flex items-center">
    <div className="uk-comment-avatar mr-2">
    <img src=" Johnson" alt />
    <div className="flex-1">
    <div className="uk-comment-title"><a href="#">Tyler Johnson</a></div>
    <p className="uk-comment-meta"><a href="#">Just posted</a></p>
    <div className="uk-comment-body">
    I agree, this was a really insightful article. The historical context
    provided a great foundation for understanding the current challenges the
    company is facing.

Primary modifier

To style a comment differently, for example to highlight it as the admin’s comment, just add the .uk-comment-primary class.

<article class="uk-comment uk-comment-primary">...</article>
  • Something's not working? Feel free to report an issue or edit this snippet .

    <article class="uk-comment uk-comment-primary" tabindex="-1" role="comment">
    <header class="uk-comment-header">
    <div class="flex items-center">
    <div class="uk-comment-avatar mr-2">
    src=" Doe"
    <div class="flex-1">
    <div class="uk-comment-title"><a href="#">John Doe</a></div>
    <p class="uk-comment-meta"><a href="#">2 hours ago</a></p>
    <div class="uk-comment-body">
    This is a great article! I really enjoyed reading about the history of the
    company and the challenges they faced. The insights provided are valuable
    for anyone interested in the industry.
  • Something's not working? Feel free to report an issue or edit this snippet .

    <article className="uk-comment uk-comment-primary" tabIndex={-1} role="comment">
    <header className="uk-comment-header">
    <div className="flex items-center">
    <div className="uk-comment-avatar mr-2">
    <img src=" Doe" alt />
    <div className="flex-1">
    <div className="uk-comment-title"><a href="#">John Doe</a></div>
    <p className="uk-comment-meta"><a href="#">2 hours ago</a></p>
    <div className="uk-comment-body">
    This is a great article! I really enjoyed reading about the history of the
    company and the challenges they faced. The insights provided are valuable
    for anyone interested in the industry.


Add the .uk-comment-list class to a <ul> element to create a list of comments. You can nest any number of <ul> elements inside a comment list.

<ul class="uk-comment-list">
<article class="uk-comment">...</article>
<article class="uk-comment">...</article>
  • Something's not working? Feel free to report an issue or edit this snippet .

    <ul class="uk-comment-list">
    <article class="uk-comment" tabindex="-1" role="comment">
    <header class="uk-comment-header">
    <div class="flex items-center">
    <div class="uk-comment-avatar mr-2">
    src=" Doe"
    <div class="flex-1">
    <div class="uk-comment-title"><a href="#">John Doe</a></div>
    <p class="uk-comment-meta"><a href="#">2 hours ago</a></p>
    <div class="uk-comment-body">
    This is a great article! I really enjoyed reading about the history of
    the company and the challenges they faced. The insights provided are
    valuable for anyone interested in the industry.
    <article class="uk-comment" tabindex="-1" role="comment">
    <header class="uk-comment-header">
    <div class="flex items-center">
    <div class="uk-comment-avatar mr-2">
    src=" Smith"
    <div class="flex-1">
    <div class="uk-comment-title"><a href="#">Jane Smith</a></div>
    <p class="uk-comment-meta"><a href="#">1 hour ago</a></p>
    <div class="uk-comment-body">
    I agree, this was a really insightful article. The historical
    context provided a great foundation for understanding the current
    challenges the company is facing.
    <article class="uk-comment" tabindex="-1" role="comment">
    <header class="uk-comment-header">
    <div class="flex items-center">
    <div class="uk-comment-avatar mr-2">
    src=" Johnson"
    <div class="flex-1">
    <div class="uk-comment-title"><a href="#">Sarah Johnson</a></div>
    <p class="uk-comment-meta"><a href="#">4 days ago</a></p>
    <div class="uk-comment-body">
    I have a few thoughts on this article. While the historical context
    was interesting, I felt the analysis of the current challenges could
    have been more in-depth. It would have been helpful to see some
    concrete recommendations or solutions proposed.
    <article class="uk-comment" tabindex="-1" role="comment">
    <header class="uk-comment-header">
    <div class="flex items-center">
    <div class="uk-comment-avatar mr-2">
    src=" Cooper"
    <div class="flex-1">
    <div class="uk-comment-title"><a href="#">Alice Cooper</a></div>
    <p class="uk-comment-meta"><a href="#">1 hour ago</a></p>
    <div class="uk-comment-body">
    I agree, this is a really useful feature. I can see it being great
    for managing discussions on my blog.
    <article class="uk-comment" tabindex="-1" role="comment">
    <header class="uk-comment-header">
    <div class="flex items-center">
    <div class="uk-comment-avatar mr-2">
    src=" Miller"
    <div class="flex-1">
    <div class="uk-comment-title"><a href="#">Sarah Miller</a></div>
    <p class="uk-comment-meta"><a href="#">30 minutes ago</a></p>
    <div class="uk-comment-body">
    I'm really excited to try this out. It looks like it will make
    managing comments a breeze.
  • Something's not working? Feel free to report an issue or edit this snippet .

    <ul className="uk-comment-list">
    <article className="uk-comment" tabIndex={-1} role="comment">
    <header className="uk-comment-header">
    <div className="flex items-center">
    <div className="uk-comment-avatar mr-2">
    <img src=" Doe" alt />
    <div className="flex-1">
    <div className="uk-comment-title"><a href="#">John Doe</a></div>
    <p className="uk-comment-meta"><a href="#">2 hours ago</a></p>
    <div className="uk-comment-body">
    This is a great article! I really enjoyed reading about the history of
    the company and the challenges they faced. The insights provided are
    valuable for anyone interested in the industry.
    <article className="uk-comment" tabIndex={-1} role="comment">
    <header className="uk-comment-header">
    <div className="flex items-center">
    <div className="uk-comment-avatar mr-2">
    <img src=" Smith" alt />
    <div className="flex-1">
    <div className="uk-comment-title"><a href="#">Jane Smith</a></div>
    <p className="uk-comment-meta"><a href="#">1 hour ago</a></p>
    <div className="uk-comment-body">
    I agree, this was a really insightful article. The historical
    context provided a great foundation for understanding the current
    challenges the company is facing.
    <article className="uk-comment" tabIndex={-1} role="comment">
    <header className="uk-comment-header">
    <div className="flex items-center">
    <div className="uk-comment-avatar mr-2">
    <img src=" Johnson" alt />
    <div className="flex-1">
    <div className="uk-comment-title"><a href="#">Sarah Johnson</a></div>
    <p className="uk-comment-meta"><a href="#">4 days ago</a></p>
    <div className="uk-comment-body">
    I have a few thoughts on this article. While the historical context
    was interesting, I felt the analysis of the current challenges could
    have been more in-depth. It would have been helpful to see some
    concrete recommendations or solutions proposed.
    <article className="uk-comment" tabIndex={-1} role="comment">
    <header className="uk-comment-header">
    <div className="flex items-center">
    <div className="uk-comment-avatar mr-2">
    <img src=" Cooper" alt />
    <div className="flex-1">
    <div className="uk-comment-title"><a href="#">Alice Cooper</a></div>
    <p className="uk-comment-meta"><a href="#">1 hour ago</a></p>
    <div className="uk-comment-body">
    I agree, this is a really useful feature. I can see it being great
    for managing discussions on my blog.
    <article className="uk-comment" tabIndex={-1} role="comment">
    <header className="uk-comment-header">
    <div className="flex items-center">
    <div className="uk-comment-avatar mr-2">
    <img src=" Miller" alt />
    <div className="flex-1">
    <div className="uk-comment-title"><a href="#">Sarah Miller</a></div>
    <p className="uk-comment-meta"><a href="#">30 minutes ago</a></p>
    <div className="uk-comment-body">
    I'm really excited to try this out. It looks like it will make
    managing comments a breeze.


Set the appropriate WAI-ARIA roles, states and properties to the Comment component.

  • Set the comment role for each comment.
<ul class="uk-comment-list">
<article class="uk-comment" role="comment">...</article>
<article class="uk-comment" role="comment">...</article>

Customize your Franken UI experience.