
Create a responsive carousel slider.

Table of contents

The Slider component is fully responsive and supports touch and swipe navigation as well as mouse drag for desktops. It even accelerates to keep up with your pace when you click through the `previous and next navigation. All animations are hardware accelerated for a smoother performance.


To apply this component, add the data-uk-slider attribute to a container element and create a list of slides with the .uk-slider-items class. Add an image or any other content to each item.

To define the widths of the slider items, you can use the width utility classes from Tailwind CSS. If no specific width is set, each item’s width depends on the dimensions of the content itself.

Note To lazy load images in the slides, use the loading="lazy" attribute. The Slider will automatically remove the attribute from images in adjacent slides.


The .uk-slider-container class is responsible for the clipping of the slider items. By default, the data-uk-slider attribute applies this class to the same element. Alternatively, you can add this class manually to any element within the slider. That way, you can control which container clips the slider items.

Since the slider effect needs a clipping container, box shadows of content items are also clipped. To widen the container to prevent box-shadows from clipping, add the .uk-slider-container-offset class.


To apply a gap to the slider items, add left padding to each item, then add an equally negative margin on the parent element.


By default, items of the slider always are aligned to the left. To center the list items, just add center: true to the attribute.


To activate autoplay, just add the autoplay: true option to the attribute. You can also set the interval in milliseconds between switching slides using autoplay-interval: 6000. To pause autoplay when hovering the slider, use pause-on-hover: true.

Infinite Scrolling

By default, infinite scrolling is enabled. To disable this behavior, just add the finite: true option to the attribute.

Slide Sets

To loop through a set of slides instead of single items, just add sets: true to the attribute.

To navigate through your slides, just use the data-uk-slider-item attribute. To target the slides, set the attribute of every nav item to the index number of the respective slider item. The elements with the data-uk-slider-item attribute need to be inside the uk-slider container. Setting the attribute to next and previous will switch to the adjacent slides.

The flexibility of the Slideshow component allows you to use any of the other UIkit components to navigate through items. For example the Slidenav, Dotnav and Thumbnav components can be used to style the slideshow navigations.

If there is no item specific content in the navigation items, you can also add the .uk-slider-nav class instead of adding navigation items manually. It will generate its items automatically using <li><a href></a></li> as markup. This is a useful shortcut when using the Dotnav.

To place a navigation outside of a slider, add the .uk-position-center-left-out and the .uk-position-center-right-out class from the Position component to the previous and next navigation. Make sure the .uk-slider-container class, which is responsible for the clipping of the slider items, doesn’t clip the navigation, too.

Parallax animation

Instead of a step-by-step animation using navigation controls, the slider can use a stepless parallax animation based on its scroll position in the viewport. Just add parallax: true to the attribute. If a navigation is set in the markup it won’t be clickable but it will get the active state of the current slide.

To adjust the parallax duration, set the parallax-start and parallax-end options. The parallax-start option defines when the animation starts. The default value of 0 means that the slider’s top border and viewport’s bottom border intersect. The end option defines when the animation ends. The default value of 0 means that the slider’s bottom border and the viewport’s top border intersect. Values can be set in any dimension units, namely vh, % and px. The % unit relates to the slider’s height. Both options allow basic mathematics operands, + and -.


The slider is not restricted to images. Any content can be used like text, videos, images with text overlays or ken burns effect. Here is an example using the Card component.

Note Since the slider effect needs a clipping container, box shadows of content items are also clipped. To widen the container to prevent box-shadows from clipping, add the .uk-slider-container-offset class. Alternatively, use the uk-slider="center: true" mode if your content items have a box shadow.

Content overlays

Add content overlays using the Position component. It allows you to place the content anywhere inside the slide.

Content parallax

Add the data-uk-slider-parallax attribute to any element inside the slides to animate it together with the slider animation. Add an option with the desired animation values for each CSS property you want to animate. Define at least one start and end value. It can be done by passing two values separated by a comma.

This functionality is inherited from the Parallax component, and it allows animating CSS properties depending on the scroll position of the slider animation. Take a look at the possible properties that can be animated.

In the example above, the content will start at 100 and animate halfway to 0 while the slide moves in. When the slide starts again to move out, the content will continue to animate to -100. This works because the start and end values have the same distance. For different distances, three values are needed: Start (Slide animates in), Middle (Slide is centered), End (Slide animates out).

The next example defines different in and out animations. The content slides in by moving from 100 to 0 and fades out from 1 to 0.

Content transitions

Add clsActivated: uk-transition-active to the attribute to trigger transition classes from the Transition component automatically inside slides. Contrary to the parallax effect, transitions are not attached to the slider animation and start playing independently after the slider animation.

Toggle on hover

To toggle transitions on hover, use the .uk-transition-toggle class from the Transition component and tabindex="0". This will trigger the transition when the element is hovered or focused.

Component options

Any of these options can be applied to the component attribute. Separate multiple options with a semicolon. Learn more

autoplayBooleanfalseSlider autoplays.
autoplay-intervalNumber7000The delay between switching slides in autoplay mode.
centerBooleanfalseCenter the active slide.
draggableBooleantrue Enable pointer dragging.
easingStringeaseThe animation easing (CSS timing functions or cubic-bezier).
finiteBooleanfalseDisable infinite sliding.
indexNumber0Slider item to show. 0 based index.
activeStringallSlider item/items to apply the transition active class to (all, first).
pause-on-hoverBooleantruePause autoplay mode on hover.
setsBooleanfalseSlide in sets.
velocityNumber1The animation velocity (pixel/ms).


Learn more about JavaScript components.



The following events will be triggered on elements with this component attached:

beforeitemshowFires before an item is shown.
itemshowFires after an item is shown.
itemshownFires after an item’s show animation has been completed.
beforeitemhideFires before an item is hidden.
itemhideFires after an item’s hide animation has started.
itemhiddenFires after an item’s hide animation has been completed.


The following methods are available for the component:


Shows the slider item.


Starts the slider autoplay.


Stops the slider autoplay.


The Slider component adheres to the Carousel WAI-ARIA design pattern and automatically sets the appropriate WAI-ARIA roles, states and properties.

  • The slider has the aria-roledescription property set to carousel.
  • The slide list has an ID and the aria-live property.
  • The slides have an ID, the group role if the slider has only a previous/next navigation or the tabpanel role if it has a tab navigation, the aria-roledescription property set to slide and an aria-label property.

The tab navigation adheres to the tab pattern.

  • The tab navigation has the tablist role.
  • The tab navigation items have the presentation role.
  • The tab navigation links have the tab role, the aria-selected state, the aria-controls property set to the ID of the respective slide, and an aria-label property.

The previous/next navigation adheres to the button pattern.

  • The prev/next navigation items have an aria-label property, the aria-controls property set to the ID of the slide list, and if an <a> element is used, the button role.

Keyboard interaction

Autoplay stops when any element in the Slider component receives focus. The tab navigation can be accessed through the keyboard using the following keys.

  • The tab or shift+tab keys place focus on the active tab in the tab navigation. If the focus already is on the active tab, the focus will move to the next element outside the tab navigation.
  • The left/right arrow or right/down arrow keys, depending on the orientation, navigate through the tabs. The corresponding slide will get active automatically. If the focus is on the last tab, it moves to the first tab.
  • The home or end keys move the focus to the first or last tab.


The Slider component uses the following translation strings. Learn more about translating components.

nextNext Slidearia-label for next slide button.
previousPrevious Slidearia-label for previous slide button.
slideXSlide %saria-label for pagination slide button.
slideLabel%s of %saria-label for slide.

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