Input Date

Easily create nice looking date and time picker.


Warning This is a brand new component. Please use it with caution and be aware that you may encounter unexpected behavior or errors. If you experience any issues or bugs, please file an issue report so that we can investigate and improve the component.

The Input Date component is a web component built from scratch to allow users to easily select date and time. To get started, simply use the <uk-input-date> markup in your HTML code.


The <uk-input-date> component is intentionally unstyled by default, allowing you to easily customize its appearance to fit your needs.

To add custom styles, use the cls-custom attribute. This attribute accepts two formats:

  • A JSON-stringified object
  • A valid key: value; foo: bar; format

If you pass only class names, they will be applied directly to the button inside the component.

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    <!-- Unstyled -->
    <div class="h-10">
    <!-- Custom -->
    <div class="h-10">
    cls-custom="button: bg-lime-500 text-lime-50 w-full flex justify-between; icon: bg-orange-500 text-orange-50; dropdown: bg-purple-500 text-purple-50; calendar: bg-cyan-900 text-cyan-50; time: bg-emerald-500 text-emerald-900"

Capturing values

There are several ways to capture values from the <uk-input-date> component. The simplest approach is to add a name attribute to the component. When you do this, a hidden input field with the specified name will be automatically generated, allowing you to easily capture the selected value on your server.

<uk-input-date name="date"></uk-input-date>

Saving to a state

If you’re using a reactive framework like React, Vue, or Svelte, you can capture the value by assigning an ID to the <uk-input-date> component and listening for the uk-input-date:input event. Here’s an example implementation in SvelteKit:

  • Something's not working? Feel free to report an issue or edit this snippet .

    <script lang="ts">
    import { onMount } from 'svelte';
    let value: string = $state('');
    onMount(() => {
    document.getElementById('date')?.addEventListener('uk-input-date:change', (e) => {
    // @ts-ignore
    value = e.detail.value;
    <div class="uk-container mt-20 grid grid-cols-2 gap-4">
    <div class="uk-h3">Form</div>
    <div class="mt-4">
    <uk-input-date id="date"></uk-input-date>
    <div class="uk-h3">Result</div>
    {#if value}
    The date is: {value}

Prepopulating values

To prepopulate the Input Date component with an existing value, simply pass the value attribute with a YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM format. To prepopulate with current date and time, just use the today attribute and it will automatically set the current date and time as the default value.

<uk-input-date today></uk-input-date>
  • Something's not working? Feel free to report an issue or edit this snippet .

    <div class="h-10">
    <div class="mt-4 h-10">
    <uk-input-date cls-custom="uk-input-fake" today with-time></uk-input-date>

Customize display format

To customize the display format, you can use the following parsing tokens and pass them to the display-format attribute.

YY01Two-digit year
YYYY2001Four-digit year
M1-12Month, beginning at 1
MM01-12Month, 2-digits
MMMJan-DecThe abbreviated month name
MMMMJanuary-DecemberThe full month name
dddMon - SunThe abbreviated weekday name
DDDDMonday - SundayThe full weekday name
D1-31Day of month
DD01-31Day of month, 2-digits
HH00-23Hours, 2-digits
h1-12Hours, 12-hour clock
hh01-12Hours, 12-hour clock, 2-digits
mm00-59Minutes, 2-digits
AAM PMPost or ante meridiem, upper-case
aam pmPost or ante meridiem, lower-case
Do1st - 31stDay of Month with ordinal
<uk-input-date display-format="YYYY/MM/DD"></uk-input-date>


Because the <uk-input-date> component uses the Drop component under the hood, we can leverage its positioning capabilities and position our dropdown anywhere we want. To position it, just use the drop attribute with your drop options.

  • Something's not working? Feel free to report an issue or edit this snippet .

    <div class="h-10">
    cls-custom="uk-btn uk-btn-default"
    drop="mode: click; pos: right-center"

Size modifiers

There are several size modifiers available. Just add one of the following classes to the cls-custom attribute to make the input smaller or larger.

.uk-form-xsApplies extra small size.
.uk-form-smApplies small size.
.uk-form-mdApplies medium size.
.uk-form-lgApplies large size.
  • Something's not working? Feel free to report an issue or edit this snippet .

    <div class="h-7">
    <uk-input-date cls-custom="uk-input-fake uk-form-xs"></uk-input-date>
    <div class="mt-4 h-8">
    <uk-input-date cls-custom="uk-input-fake uk-form-sm"></uk-input-date>
    <div class="mt-4 h-12">
    <uk-input-date cls-custom="uk-input-fake uk-form-md"></uk-input-date>
    <div class="mt-4 h-14">
    <uk-input-date cls-custom="uk-input-fake uk-form-lg"></uk-input-date>

Disable input

To prevent user input, add the disabled attribute to the <uk-input-date> element. This will disable the component, making it impossible for users to enter or modify its value.

Error state

To indicate an error state in the form, simply add the .uk-form-destructive class to the cls-custom attribute. This will apply a “destructive” state to the component, providing visual feedback to the user.

  • This field is required.

  • Something's not working? Feel free to report an issue or edit this snippet .

    <div class="space-y-2">
    <label class="uk-form-label text-destructive">Date</label>
    <div class="uk-form-controls">
    cls-custom="uk-input-fake uk-form-destructive"
    <p class="uk-form-help text-destructive">This field is required.</p>

Preventing layout shift

When loading Web Components, there may be a brief delay before the content is fully rendered. This can result in a flash of unstyled content or unprocessed templates. To mitigate this issue, consider setting a predefined height on the parent element to prevent layout shift and ensure a smooth user experience.

<div class="h-10">


Because this component uses Calendar and Input Time under the hood, you can use and merge their i18n attributes. Please refer to their documentation for available options.


The following attributes are available for this component:

todayBooleanfalseAutomatically sets today as the active date.
jumpableBooleanfalseAllows user to select a month and type a year for the calendar to “jump” to a specific date.
starts-withString0 (Sunday)Sets the starting day of the week. Either “0” (Sunday) or “1” (Monday).
disabled-datesStringA comma-separated list of dates to disable. Dates must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
marked-datesStringA comma-separated list of dates to add an indicator. Dates must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
view-dateStringSets the initial view date of the calendar. Dates must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
minStringSets the minimum date that can be selected. Date must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
maxStringSets the maximum date that can be selected. Date must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
cls-customStringAllows you to add custom CSS classes.
disabledBooleanfalseDisables all input fields, making the entire component read-only.
nameStringDefines the name of the input, allowing you to capture its value on your server.
valueStringA valid date time in YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM format that will be prepopulated in the input field.
i18nStringEnables internationalization. Please see Internationalization for available options.
iconStringSets a customized icon. If no icon is passed, it will default to a calendar icon.
dropStringCustomize the dropping option for the dropdown. See Drop component for more options.
with-timeBooleanfalseAllows inputting of time.
require-timeBooleanfalseRequires time input. If user leaves it blank, it will prepopulate the current time.
display-formatStringCustomize the display format of the date. See Customize display format for available tokens.


The Input Date component triggers the following events on elements with this component attached:

uk-input-date:inputFired after the value has changed, providing an opportunity to respond to user input.

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