
UIkit is a fully accessible front-end framework. All its interactive components are accessible out of the box. Still, the accessibility largely depends on the author’s markup. In each component documentation we provide best practice examples on how to use UIkit to comply with the WCAG 2.1 standards.

Interactive components

UIkit’s interactive JavaScript components, for example, slideshow, lightbox, dropdown, among others, are accessible to keyboard users. We implement the common keyboard navigation convention in which the tab and shift+tab keys move focus from one component to another while other keys like arrow keys move focus inside of components that include multiple focusable elements. Learn more about keyboard interaction in the documentation of each component.

By using relevant WAI-ARIA roles, states and properties, the JavaScript components are readable and operable using assistive technologies like screen readers. They automatically set the required HTML attributes in the markup. Learn more about accessibility in the documentation of each component.

Since our JavaScript components are designed to be generic, it’s not always possible to determine the precise WAI-ARIA roles and properties that need to be set by a component. Please refer to the ARIA Authoring Practices Guide (APG) for further reading.

If you find the documentation or the components lacking accessibility, please open an issue or pull request for the documentation or UIkit on GitHub.


UIkit supports language internationalization (i18n) of its components. The default texts for the aria-label attributes can be translated. The translation keys for each component can be found in the corresponding documentation.

There are several ways to modify the default texts. You can pass an object to the i18n option of the component.


The i18n option can be set as shown in the following examples.

As a valid JSON format:

<div uk-marker='{"i18n": {"label": "Open"}}'></div>

As a single attribute:

<div uk-marker i18n="label: Open;"></div>

As a single attribute prefixed with data-:

<div uk-marker data-i18n="label: Open;"></div>

Or pass the i18n option to the component programmatically:

UIkit.marker(".marker", {
  i18n: { label: "Open" },


The default texts for a component can be changed globally by extending the component.

    i18n: { label: "Open" },

Complete Translation

Here is an example of all available component translation strings applied.

const i18n = {
  close: { label: "Close" },
  totop: { label: "Back to top" },
  marker: { label: "Open" },
  navbarToggleIcon: { label: "Open menu" },
  paginationPrevious: { label: "Next page" },
  paginationNext: { label: "Previous page" },
  slider: {
    next: "Next slide",
    previous: "Previous slide",
    slideX: "Slide %s",
    slideLabel: "%s of %s",
  slideshow: {
    next: "Next slide",
    previous: "Previous slide",
    slideX: "Slide %s",
    slideLabel: "%s of %s",
  lightboxPanel: {
    next: "Next slide",
    previous: "Previous slide",
    slideLabel: "%s of %s",
    close: "Close",

for (const component in i18n) {
  UIkit.mixin({ i18n: i18n[component] }, component);