Upgrade Guide

A full video guide on how the documentation website was upgraded is available on Mastodon.

Significant internal changes have been made to Franken UI, simplifying the codebase and reducing moving parts. While these changes may seem extensive, they are designed to improve maintainability and ease of use. This announcement provides an overview of the updates and how they may affect workflows.

Key Changes:

  • Franken WC and UIkit have been merged into a custom JS, allowing for unified icons and more streamlined codebase. This change was necessary to unify all icons, which was not possible while relying on UIkit as an external package and more importantly, to make way for upcoming components.
  • Post CSS is now optional, as media queries can be a pain to manage. The npx franken-ui init -p command previously tried to alleviate this pain, but it was only hiding the issue.
  • Hooks have been deprecated, as they were only needed to properly position Tailwind CSS overrides on correct selectors. They have served their purpose and are now unnecessary, reducing moving parts and improving maintenance.
  • Fine-grained config and raw config have been deprecated, as they relied on hooks. They were also unnecessary moving parts, especially in documentation. The quick preset is now the only config option, which auto-updates to simplify the process.
  • The quick preset no longer includes options for only and except, as picking components can do more harm than good if not done correctly. The upside of reducing CSS build size is minimal, and ~30kb of CSS is not a significant concern in 2024.
  • The theme and palette options have been removed from the quick preset. Instead, customization can be done using the customPalette option.
  • The overrides option has been removed, as hooks are deprecated. Customization should now be done in the app.css file.
  • The Glow component has been dropped, another unncessary moving parts.
  • Theme Switcher has been introduced, allowing for multiple themes and easier customization. This feature was previously limited, requiring recompilation to switch themes.

What This Means:

  • Code will not be drastically affected, but build steps may need to be updated.
  • Documentation will be updated to reflect these changes.
  • Any questions or concerns can be addressed through the usual channels.

Make sure to follow the new installation guide and then follow the upgrade guide.


1. Update the layout file by removing the following code block:

  // On page load or when changing themes, best to add inline in `head` to avoid FOUC
  if (
    localStorage.getItem("color-theme") === "dark" ||
    (!("color-theme" in localStorage) &&
      window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)").matches)
  ) {
  } else {

Replace it with:

  const htmlElement = document.documentElement;

  if (
    localStorage.getItem("mode") === "dark" ||
    (!("mode" in localStorage) &&
      window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)").matches)
  ) {
  } else {

    localStorage.getItem("theme") || "uk-theme-zinc",

You can replace uk-theme-zinc with any available theme you want as the default.

2. Remove the old dark mode switcher.

  const themeToggleBtn = document.getElementById("theme-toggle");

  themeToggleBtn?.addEventListener("click", function () {
    // if set via local storage previously
    if (localStorage.getItem("color-theme")) {
      if (localStorage.getItem("color-theme") === "light") {
        localStorage.setItem("color-theme", "dark");
      } else {
        localStorage.setItem("color-theme", "light");

      // if NOT set via local storage previously
    } else {
      if (document.documentElement.classList.contains("dark")) {
        localStorage.setItem("color-theme", "light");
      } else {
        localStorage.setItem("color-theme", "dark");

3. Add the new Theme Switcher component:

<div class="uk-inline">
  <button class="uk-icon-button uk-icon-button-small uk-icon-button-outline">
    <uk-icon icon="palette" uk-cloak></uk-icon>
    class="uk-card uk-card-body uk-card-default uk-drop uk-width-large"
    uk-drop="mode: click; offset: 8"
    <div class="uk-card-title uk-margin-medium-bottom">Customize</div>

Tailwind Configuration

For quick preset users, please remove all passed options on the preset function. The new configuration should look like this:

import franken from "franken-ui/shadcn-ui/preset-quick";

/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
export default {
  presets: [franken()],

For fine-grained config users, the easiest way is to just create a brand new tailwind.config.js. You can run npx franken-ui init -p command.

Palette and Theme Adjustments

The theme and palette options have been dropped. To adjust the configuration:


  palette: {
      ":root": {
          // truncated
      ".dark": {
          // truncated


  customPalette: {
      ".uk-theme-emerald": {
          // truncated
      ".dark.uk-theme-emerald": {
          // truncated

Note that it’s important to follow the convention so Tailwind CSS can pick up the class names upon build. Please see the video demo as your reference.

Overrides adjustments

If using overrides, move all customizations to the app.css file or wherever the Tailwind directives are located:

@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;

/* Your customizations here */

For example, adding the uk-alert-warning class:

@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;

.uk-alert-warning {
  @apply border-amber-200 bg-amber-50 dark:border-amber-950 dark:bg-amber-950/50;

Feel free to adjust according to your needs.


Update the import statements for UIkit in the app.js file or whatever you call it:

import UIkit from "franken-ui/js/core.iife";

window.UIkit = UIkit;

That’s it. The migration is complete.
